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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Fire
[Side view of damaged townhouses] Side view of townhouses, including one that has been badly damaged by fire--it's exterior is almost entirely blackened and the brick is missing in places. On one townhouse is a sign for "Malen" or... |
[View of fire-damaged rowhouse] View of a fire-damaged townhouse. The exterior of the top story has been burned away, exposing the interior and staining the exterior of the building. |
[Fighting a fire from the rooftop of a townhouse] A fire company attempting to put out a fire. The photo shows a ladder reaching up to the roof of a townhouse from a firetruck across the street as smoke billows overhead. A fireman is on top of... |
[Extinguishing a fire in the Ruth & Sam Book Shop building] Fighting a fire in the building that houses Ruth & Sam Book Shop. A plume of water descends down onto the building from an unknown origin but we see a fire ladder or crain in the foreground.... |
[Fighting a fire on the roof of a townhouse] Fire fighting on the roof of a townhouse. A fire ladder reaches to the roof , presumably from a truck across the street, though that truck is not fully visible. A fireman sits atop the ladder,... |
[Firemen entinguishing a fire above a bookstore] Image focuses on a fire hose being used by the fire department to extinguish a fire that appears to be in a residential building on the corner of Bleeker Street and Knickerbocker Avenue in... |
[Burned-down buildings] A building that has been burned to the ground. The photo also shows water from a hose being sprayed at a building adjacent to the burned -own building. The back of adjecent building appears to be... |