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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Electric power failures
[Line outside of a liquor store] A liquor store with a long line of people outside. The foreground prominently features the front half of a blue car. |
[Bushwick street scene] Bushwick street scene showing cars (parked and driving), storefronts, specifically Al's Bargain and the Knickerbocker Professional Arts Building, and groups of pedestrians. Stores appear to be... |
[Children playing in fire hydrant spray] A group of children playing in the spray from a fire hydrant. In the background is a row of townhouses and the top story of several adjacent buildings has been destroyed, most likely burned. We... |
[Destroyed building next to Ruth & Sam Book Shop] Ruth & Sam Book Shop, showing the adjacent building completely destroyed--it is a pile of debris. The metal shutters of Ruth & Sam Book Shop are drawn and grafitti has been written on them... |
[Boarding up the door of "Social Club Los Compadres"] A group of four men is boarding up the door to "Social Club Los Compadres". The windows of the adjacent building have been boarded-up as well. We also see the front half of a car. |
[Fighting a fire from the rooftop of a townhouse] A fire company attempting to put out a fire. The photo shows a ladder reaching up to the roof of a townhouse from a firetruck across the street as smoke billows overhead. A fireman is on top of... |
[Bushwick street scene underneath the elevated train] Bushwick street scene underneath the elevated train. The storefronts--a clothing store,a furniture store, and one with no sign--have all been destroyed and each has its metal shutters drawn. There... |
[Bushwick street scene with heavily damaged townhouses in view] View of a Bushwick street with heavily damaged townhouses in view. The top story of two of the houses has been completely destroyed, while the foundation of the top story of a third townhouse is... |
[Heavily damaged storefronts and homes] A view of very heavily damaged storefronts and homes. The buildings are completely gutted and two appear burned. The siding is missing and deteriorating. The glass in windows and doors is either... |
[Bushwick street scene with pedestrian] A pedestrian, who looks to be a boy of about 10-12 years old, is in the foreground, facing the camera. There are two other people in the background, as well as a car with its hood propped up, as... |