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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Eberhard Faber Pencil Company
[Step in making the pencil 'sandwich.' Step in making pencil "sandwich"--with leads in grooves between the slats, the "sandwich" is on the way toward clamping and drying stages. [Typed on verso] Used WBRE TV 3/7/58, 5th & 6th... |
[Pencil 'sandwich' clamped for drying] Pencil "sandwich" clamped for drying--with leads rolled neatly into grooves, and one slat fitted atop another with a scientifically formulated glue between, the "sandwiches" are permanently bound... |
[Pencils cut from 'sandwich'] Individual pencils cut from "sandwich"--here eight pencils are cut apart from "sandwich" slat by high speed cutting dies. The process is called shaping, because this is the operation in which it... |
[Newly Coated Pencil] newly coated pencils -- receive as many paint coats as a fine car -- up to 13. Thousands at a time move on a conveyor belt designed for automatic drying. [Typed on verso] Used WBRE TV 3/7/58, 5th... |
[Eraser Display] 1939 [verso] Display of Eberhard Faber erasers. |
[Pencil Varnishing] Pencil varnishing [Typed on verso] of newly created pencils. |
[Mongol Colored Pencil Display] 1939 [verso]; wooden display No.72, 4' wide, 4'1" high [recto]. Display of Mongol colored pencils. |
[Pencil Production] A step in the pencil production process. |
[Automatic Packing of Colored Pencils] Automatic packing of colored pencils. [Handwritten on verso] |
[Eberhard Faber II] John who later changed his name to Eberhard Faber II. [Written on verso] Portrait of Eberhard Faber II, son of Eberhard Faber. |