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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Debris
Van Cleef House on E. 3rd Street Exterior view of a historic house with a ladder leaning against it and construction materials in the yard. (Van Cleef House on E. 3rd St. - Stood near Platt House first - Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd) [... |
[Interior of a destroyed building] The completely destroyed interior of a building, emphasizing the exposed foundations. There are piles of trash and debris--including furniture--on the floor. |
[Damaged townhouses with handwritten advertisement] Front view of two damaged townhouses. The street level of the building on the left is destroyed and the interiors are completely exposed as the doors or windows are missing. There are piles of... |
[Fire-damaged townhouses] Photo shows a row of fire-damaged townhouses on Linden Street near the intersection with Central Avenue. The exterior of the townhouses has been burned--the bricks are charred and patches have... |
[Damaged townhouses] Photo of damaged townhouses. A women is walking by, with her head turned toward the houses. A metal gate has been erected to guard the street level entrances, which have been boarded up with wood... |
[Central Suprette] View of the "Central Suprette, Inc." on a street corner. The Suprette is opened, though two of its metal shutters are drawn. The sign has three Coca Cola advertisments on it. A black and white dog... |
[Bushwick street scene] Bushwick street scene with a"no parking" sign in the foreground, in front of a row of cars. There are groups of pedestrians in the street and in the background is a row of townhouses and... |
[Small stone and brick building] A small stone and brick building that is likely connected to a larger building or church but this part is obscured by tree branches. The doorway of the small building is overflowing with trash and... |
[Bushwick sidewalk] A sidewalk view with townhouses and a larger, more official-looking building (seen elsewhere in this collection) in the background. There is debris on the street and one of the townhouses appears... |
[Townhouses and storefronts on Wilson Avenue, near the intersection with Menahan Street] This photo shows the storefronts and townhouses along Wilson Avenue, near the intersection of Menahan Street. The storefronts appear damaged; many have drawn their metal shutters, though one such... |