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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Couples
5 results
[Standing couple] Portrait of a couple, Man with straw hat and suit, woman in dark dress with hat, beads, and fingerless dark lace gloves. |
[Young couple] A young couple in Coney Island. |
[Couple and child on Coney Island boardwalk] A couple drinking beer, with a child on the Coney Island boardwalk. |
[Coney Island couple] A couple sharing a private moment at Coney Island. A ferris wheel and a roller coaster are visible behind them. |
Mr. and Mrs. Hesson, from an ambrotype A photograph of an ambrotype, ca. 1860, taken by Lloyd, ca. 1905. The portrait is of a couple identified as Mr. and Mrs. Hesson. (Mr. + Mrs. Hesson from an - Ambrotype) [handwritten on recto]. |