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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Coffeehouses
[Henry Street (eastside) looking north.] Henry Street (eastside) looking north. Northeast corner of Clark Street at right. |
[Plymouth Lounge - Coffee Shoppe, Henry Street.] Plymouth Lounge - Coffee Shoppe, Henry Street. Portion of Heights Hand Laundry (#105 Henry Street) at left. |
[East side of Fourth Avenue.] East side of Fourth Avenue looking north west. South west corner of 100th Street and Fourth Avenue at far left. These two restaurants are just to the north of Hamilton House. Narrows Coffee Shop,... |
[View of north side of Bushwick Avenue.] View of north side of Bushwick Avenue looking east toward Myrtle Avenue Tallest building is #665 Bushwick Avenue. #661 Bushwick Avenue is to left of it (Bushwick Cafe Espresso). To right of it is... |
[Taken Friday morning May 17, 1974, after 3-alarm fire.] Taken Friday morning May 17, 1974, after 3-alarm fire between 8 and 10 p.m. Thursday evening, destroying upper floors at 130 Montague Street. Allegedly sparked in appliance shop above cleaners. No... |
[View of east side of Fourth Avenue looking north.] View of east side of Fourth Avenue looking north. Taken from near 100th Street. Narrows Coffee Shop, 10001 Fourth Avenue per tel. dir (1963). |
[Southeast corner of Coney Island Avenue.] Southeast corner of Coney Island Avenue and Kings Highway. Jiggsy's coffee shop & coca cola. Zippertorium [?] right. |
[The "new" Joe's - opening soon near Bourough Hall.] The "new" Joe's - opening soon near Bourough Hall. Court Street. |
[Fulton Street at corner of Pearl Street, looking West.] Fulton Street at corner of Pearl Street, looking West. |