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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Cleaning establishments
"Terry" A shoe shiner, Terry, standing in the open doorway of a hat cleaning store. His shoe shine chair is next to the door, in addition to painted shop signs over the doorway and on the brick wall of... |
Waiting for Customers A shoe shiner, Terry, leaning against a wrought-iron fence near the the open doorway of a hat cleaning store. His shoe shine chair is next to the door, in addition to painted shop signs over the... |
[Northeast corner of 86th Street.] Northeast corner of 86th Street and 12th Avenue - opposite park. 86th Street right, 12th Avenue left. |
[North side of 86th Street.] North side of 86th Street. Northeast corner of Ft. Hamilton Parkway at left. |
[North side of Cortelyou Road.] North side of Cortelyou Road between E. 4th Street and E. 5th Street. Corner of E. 5th Street at right. |
[J&S French Cleaners.] J&S French Cleaners (left) and Em-Cee Fashions Outlet, between Dahill Road and W. First Street on north side of Kings Highway Em-Cee Fashions, Inc., 443 Kings Highway J.&S. Cleaners, 441... |
[View of north side of Kings Highway.] View of north side of Kings Highway between E. 3rd Street and Macdonald Avenue right to left Concord Lamp Shades, Congregation Bnai Jacob, Mrs. Anne, Y.M. Lee Chinese Hand Laundry. |
[Northeast corner of Kings Highway and Dahill Road.] Northeast corner of Kings Highway and Dahill Road. |
[Macon Lighting Fixtures.] Macon Lighting Fixtures on north side of Kings Highway between W. 4th Street and W. 5th Street. |
[Northwest corner of W. 5th Street and Kings Highway.] Northwest corner of W. 5th Street and Kings Highway. Rand Dry Cleaners at left. Italian home cooking and fountain at right. |