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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Civil disobedience
[Bushwick storefronts with rubble outside] Mr. T HairCutters and Ruth & Sam Book Shop, which has its metal shutters drawn. There is rubble outside of the stores and a destroyed building in the background. |
[Various car parts arranged on top of a structure] Image shows various car parts arranged on top of some sort of indeterminate, slightly rusted structure. |
[Abandoned building] An abandoned building on a street corner. A pedestrian is walking into or by the building. |
[Intersection of Irving Avenue and Palmetto Street with destroyed building] The intersection of Irving Avenue and Palmetto Street. The top story of one of the buildings captured in the photo has been destroyed and windows in the adjacent building are boarded up. A man... |
[Man looking at a burned-down store front as he walks down the street] Image shows a man glancing at an abandoned building that looks as if it's been burned-down--the glass is blown out, parts of the facade are charred, and the awning is falling down. |
[Abandoned house] Side view of an abandoned house. Several windows are boarded up with plywood. |
[Bushwick street scene] A street scene with cars driving and parked under an elevated train. |
[Bushwick street scene] Image shows a white truck parked alongside store fronts under the elevated train. A man is walking on the sidewalk and another is walking in the middle of the street. |
[Razed building construction site] Image shows a razed building construction site filled with rubble, as well as a bulldozer. There are five parked cars and three people in the background. |
[Rubble in front of two storefronts] Destruction in front of two store fronts: Mr. T HairCutters and Ruth & Sam Book Shop. The corner in front of Ruth & Sam Book Shop is cordoned off by what appear to be police barricades.... |