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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Chimneys
[#1583 85th Street.] #1583 85th Street, at northwest corner of 16th Avenue and 85th Street. |
[South side of Ditmas Avenue looking toward south west corner of Argyle Road and Ditmas Avenue.] South side of Ditmas Avenue looking toward south west corner of Argyle Road and Ditmas Avenue. |
[North side of Wyckoff Street.] North side of Wyckoff Street looking west. Northwest corner of Wyckoff Street and Bond Street at right. |
Schoonmaker House Schoonmaker House. Flushing Avenue / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd [handwritten on verso]. |
Samuel Lott House Samuel Lott House. / Cor. Kings Highway + Canarsie Lane. / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd [handwritten on verso]. |
Old Dutch Farmhouse Old Dutch Farmhouse. Flatlands / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd [handwritten on verso]. |
Crooks Mill House Crooks Mill House 1680? / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd [handwritten on verso]. |
Mott House Mott House. Flushing Avenue / near Woodward Avenue / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd. |
Old Dutch Farmhouse Old Dutch Farmhouse. Flatlands. / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd. |
[Old House on 53rd Street] Old House. 53rd St. Flatlands [handwritten on verso]. |