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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Chapels
[Packer Chapel from Gallery] Interior view of the Packer Collegiate Institute chapel from the gallery, 1891. The Packer Collegiate Institute records contain administrative records, financial records, architectural records,... |
[Packer Chapel from South Gallery, as decorated for the Class of '91] View of Packer Collegiate Institute's chapel from the South Gallery, decorated for the Class of 1891. The Packer Collegiate Institute records contain administrative records, financial records,... |
Chapel interior--saluting flag View of students saluting the American flag in the Packer Collegiate Institute's chapel. The Packer Collegiate Institute records contain administrative records, financial records, architectural... |
[Chapel interior] Interior view of the Packer Collegiate Institute chapel. The Packer Collegiate Institute records contain administrative records, financial records, architectural records, correspondence, student... |
[#219 Atlantic Avenue (left,) a funeral chapel.] #219 Atlantic Avenue (left,) a funeral chapel. |
[Mission Chapel, R.C. of Our Lady of Pilar (Spanish) at right. ] Mission Chapel, R.C. of Our Lady of Pilar (Spanish) at right. Pentecostal Church of God, Inc. at left. Fulton Street. |
[North side of Pierrepont Street.] North side of Pierrepont Street between Monroe Place and Clinton Street. Taken from balcony of Long Island Historical Society. Chapel of 1st Unitarian Church at left. Church at far left. |