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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Bakeries
[West side of Court Street.] West side of Court Street. Northwest corner of Degraw Street and Court Street at left. Tuohy's Cafe on corner. To the right of it is a stationery store, at #302 Court Street. |
[#189-191 Atlantic Avenue.] #189-191 Atlantic Avenue. Fovad Alwan - Oriental Pastries at 189 (left); Rashid Sales Co. (electrical appliances and importer of Arabic records at 191 (right.) |
[East side of Nostrand Avenue.] East side of Nostrand Avenue between Sterling Street and Empire Boulevard looking north. Judy-N-Trudy womn's spclts 1017 Nostrand Avenue. |
[North side of Church Avenue.] North side of Church Avenue between St. Paul's Place + Ocean Avenue, looking east. |
[Montague Street, north side.] Montague Street, north side. Corner of Henry Street at left. Pam Pam Restaurant on corner (lunch counter.) |
[West side of Henry Street.] West side of Henry Street between Sackett Street and Union Street looking south. |
[Northwest corner of President Street.] Northwest corner of President Street (left) and Henry Street. |
[Northwest corner of 13th Avenue at 71st Street (far left.)] Northwest corner of 13th Avenue at 71st Street (far left.) |
[View of east side of 3rd Avenue.] View of east side of 3rd Avenue looking north toward s.e. cor. 97th Street + 3rd Avenue. Louis J. Michaels, 9703 Third Avenue (hairdressers) Charlie's Launromat, at 9707 Third Avenue. |
[N.W. cor. of 65th Street.] N.W. cor. of 65th Street (at left) and 11th Avenue. View of west side of 11th Avenue between 64th and 65th Streets. |