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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Abandoned buildings~?
[North side of lower Fulton Street.] North side of lower Fulton Street, with Brooklyn Bridge in background. #11 Fulton Street at right. |
[#11 Fulton Street.] #11 Fulton Street (Sign says "For Information Industrial Dept., Bulkely & Horton Co., Est. 1890, Realtors, Offices 660 Fulton St., Brooklyn 17. NE8-5400.") |
[#5 Fulton Street (left).] #5 Fulton Street (left.) Sign on building at right says "building + lot for sale - Call A.L. Moss, UL8-0750." |
[#17 Fulton Street.] #17 Fulton Street. |
[Engine Co. 77 - at foot of Fulton Street.] Engine Co. 77 - at foot of Fulton Street. |
[New York City Community of Applied Arts and Sciences] New York City Community of Applied Arts and Sciences - Student Government Association, east side of Pearl Street, between Johnson Street and Tillary Street. |
[East side of Bridge Street between Johnson Street and Myrtle Avenue, looking north.] East side of Bridge Street between Johnson Street and Myrtle Avenue, looking north. |
[East side of Wythe Avenue between South 3rd Street & South 4th Street.] East side of Wythe Avenue between South 3rd Street & South 4th Street. Center building is #343 Wythe Avenue. |
[539 Baltic Street.] 539 Baltic Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. |