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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, Theaters
Broadway Theatre Exterior view of the Broadway Theatre located at the intersection of Broadway and 41st Street. |
Welcome addition Caption: "Welcome addition--Brooklyn College's new Walt Whitman Theater dwarfs members of the cast of 'I, Walt Whitman' during rehearsal. Prof, Elizabeth P. Casey, production director, and Robert... |
[Portion of Whitman Hall at Brooklyn College] Exterior view of portion of Whitman Hall, Brooklyn College's principal theater, showing balcony, angled staircase, and decorative hedgerows. |
Massive grandeur View of Whitman Hall nearing completion on Brooklyn College campus; newly planted tree, bare soil, and construction debris in foreground. Caption: "Massive grandeur of new theater is evident in... |
Leonard's Music Hall Facade of Leonard's Music Hall, a large, two-story building with signs: "Leonard's Music Hall & Cafe," "Franklin Brew'g Co. Standard Beer," "Franklin Brew'g Columbian Beer," and "Vaudeville -... |
Inman's Casino Facade of large, three-story clapboard building with cupola and three signs ("Inmans" and "Inman's Vaudeville"), several pedestrians, and intersecting streets. Caption: "Inman's Casino is... |
New Utrecht Av. bet. 46 & 47th Sts. Street with trolley tracks and cobblestone beneath elevated subway line; streetcar and horse and buggy side by side in background; billboards before vacant lot at right; theater with arched window... |
52nd St. & New Utrecht Av. Intersection of two streets; trolley tracks and horse dung in foreground; underside of elevated subway line overhead; row of three-story apartment houses at left, with sidewalk, bare trees, and... |