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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, Temple Club of Brooklyn.
Cited for service Caption: "Cited for service--Harry Heller, left, president of the Temple Club, presents silver cups to heads of three of the 15 organizations honored for civic service during dinner at the Towers... |
Charming hostesses Caption: "Charming hostesses--Wives of Brooklyn Temple Club members plan their participation as hostesses at the club's dinner at the Hotel Towers on May 28.The club is composed of prominent civic... |
Temple Club of Brooklyn Caption: "Harry Heller, president of the Temple Club of Brooklyn, notified five members of the board of governors of their election. the ceremony was held in the chambers of Surrogate E. Ivan... |
Temple Club inducts Caption: "Temple Club inducts--Harry Heller, center, president of the Temple Club, Inc., greets newly-inducted members of the club's board of governors [all holding certificates] after induction... |
Temple Club of Brooklyn Caption: "Members of the newly-elected board of governors of the Temple Club of Brooklyn have been awarded citations for public service by Harry Heller, club president. They are Leonard M.... |
Fund-raisers Caption: "Fund-raisers--Special Sessions Justice Louis B. Heller presents plaques in the name of the Temple Club to Bernard Israel, right, and Mitchell Hauptman, for their efforts in raising $7,... |