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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, Ship models
Parent-son hobby show Caption: "It's a case of guys and dolls and some ships thrown in for good measure. The Parents Association of Brooklyn Technical High School, 29 Fort Greene Place, will sponsor a parent-son hobby... |
Model craft Caption: "Model craft--Brooklyn notables admire the work of members of the Flatbush Boys Club ... Left to right are Vincent Dellarocco, David L. Tilly, president of the Brooklyn Chamber of... |
Mighty Mo Studio portrait of boy painting model battleship; presumably publicity photo for Abraham & Straus department store on Fulton street. Caption: "MIGHTY MO, the U.S.S. Missouri, one of the most... |
Getaway day Caption: "Getaway day": No sailing season is officially opened until traditional flag-raising ceremonies are held. ... Its old waterfront almost completely destroyed by hurricane last November,... |
Getaway day Close-up view: "Even Billy Erdman, 5, of 140 E. 2d St., son of club members Mr. and Mrs. Martin Erdman, delays launching of his sailboat until club's colors are hoisted. Performing these chores,... |
Waiting for gun Caption: "Waiting for gun--Commodores, commanders, and captains, all owners of model yachts in the Class M, Eastern Division, prepare to release their ships in one of the races at the Prospect... |