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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, Plants
Cobra plant Caption: "Beauty, Rose Lusht, and the beast, a Cobra plant, which devours insects and likes nothing better than a fly for a snack. They were shown by the Brooklyn Botanic Garden [in an exhibit... |
Work of a virus Caption: "Work of a virus--Here on the stem and branches of a sweet clover plant are tumors of the Clover Big Vein disease caused by a virus first identified by the plant pathologist of the... |
The insect house Caption: "The insect house--Those infected clover plants under their individual canopies with gauze tops and tufts of absorbent cotton plugging holes through which they are watered are being fed... |
In the laboratory Caption: "In the laboratory--Virginia C. Littau, research fellow at the [Brooklyn] Botanic Garden, studies a [diseased plant] specimen through the microscope." |
Bug hunter Caption: "Bug hunter--Karl M. Maramorosch, research fellow at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, raises the celluloid cage under which insects have been feeding on diseased plants and by suction through... |
Kudzu vine Close-up view of a large kudzu plant at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. The image is not dated. |