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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, New York (State). National Guard.
Wired for sound Two soldiers unspooling wire from back of jeep in field in South Korea; third soldier in jeep; commanding officer outside of jeep directing the others; mountains in background. Caption: "WIRED FOR... |
Every minute counts Soldiers bending over make-shift tables in field in South Korea, with tent and hills in background.Caption: "EVERY MINUTE COUNTS: Even when there's a lull in battle, outdoor classes keep men of... |
Heave ho! Four soldiers bending over artillery weapon, probably at training camp in New York State. Caption: "HEAVE HO!: Pfcs. John Murray, 174 Prospect Park S. W.; James O'Grady, 584 Court St.; Ronald... |
Making ready Three soldiers crouching around explosive, probably at training camp in New York State; rocket launcher in background.Caption: "MAKING READY: Sgts. Donald Shea of 360 61st St., Henry Melling of 32... |
[Group portrait of soldiers from Brooklyn] Soldiers from regiment in Brooklyn standing before military barracks; one soldier in front with regimental banner; small black terrier, perhaps regimental mascot, in left foreground; banner on... |
Prelude to action Four soldiers firing heavy artillery weapon at edge of field, probably at training camp at Fort Drum, New York. Caption: "PRELUDE TO ACTION: Members of the 955th Field Artillery Battalion, which... |
Brooklyn City Guard gather for riot duty in 1892 Group portrait of soldiers, probably New York National Guard, posing in five rows in front of brick building at unknown location, presumably in Brooklyn; large doors open at left, closed at right... |
Blessings Soldiers at attention, some with regimental and American flags, facing chaplain with raised arm, probably in armory in Park Slope on 8th Ave. and 14th St. Caption: "BLESSINGS: The famous flags of... |
Battlefront strategy Commanding officer pointing stick to ground in briefing for nine soldiers gathered in semi-circle before tent on open field in Korea; mountains in background. Caption: "BATTLEFRONT STRATEGY: Lt.... |
How about that! Two soldiers on airfield in South Korea looking up to bullet hole in wing of airplane. Caption: "HOW ABOUT THAT!: It wasn't until he returned from sortie over Red lines that 1st Lt. Frank R. Roy... |