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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, Men
[Two women and three men] Close-up view of two women and three men; location and exact occasion unknown but apparently in connection with V-Day celebration. Individuals identified by caption on verso: Lee Bigman. |
[Two women and three men] Close-up view of two women and three men; location and exact occasion unknown but apparently in connection with V-Day celebration. Individuals identified by captions on verso: Ernest H. Falkowitz... |
[Two women and three men] Close-up view of two women and three men; location and exact occasion unknown but apparently in connection with V-Day celebration. Individuals identified by caption on verso: Marilyn Mohr. |
[Two women and three men] Close-up view of two women and three men; location and exact occasion unknown but apparently in connection with V-Day celebration. Individuals identified by caption on verso: Jack Fuller. |
[Two women and three men] Close-up view of two women and three men; location and exact occasion unknown but apparently in connection with V-Day celebration. Individuals identified by caption on verso: Joseph Epstein. |