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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, Football teams
Brooklyn Preparatory School's 1915 football team Caption: "Saturday evening, Jan. 5, promises to be a great night for the members of the Brooklyn Preparatory School's 1915 football team which will hold the first reunion since the old gridiron... |
[Puritan Athletic Club] Caption (0034): "Here is a picture of the ... Puritan A[thletic] .C[lub] football team as they looked in 1903. ... Bottom row, left to right, are: Jimmy Taylor, J.Kerr, Harry Morton. Center row, [... |
Crescent football team Posed view of the Crescent Athletic Club football team in 1884.Top row: Hunter Brown, Fred Vernon, Billy Ford, Willis Terry, Frank Lawrence. 2nd row: Matt LaMande, Joe Vernon, Paul LaMarche,... |
Crescent Club football team Posed view of the Crescent Athletic Club football team: J. V. Lamarche, J. A. Smith, P. E. Lamarche, Duncan Edward, Herbert Boughton, F. V. Vernon, W. H. Ford, J. Lamarche, Oscar Dougherty, E.... |
[Crescent Club football team] Posed, exterior view of eleven members of the Crescent Athletic Club football team in 1884. The identified team members are: C. H. Chapman; J. E. P. Stevens; Herbert Broughton; J. A. Smith; George... |