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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, Crowds
Human swarm View of large group of people, spectators at a parade at 5th Avenue and 59th Street. |
Crowd waiting to welcome the Dodgers who arrived at Floyd Bennett Field by plane One of three night views of crowd surging toward metal barricade, with police pushing them back; 0302 shows close-up view of police pushing back man in glasses, and one policeman standing on top... |
Crowd waiting to welcome the Dodgers who arrived at Floyd Bennett Field by plane One of three night views of crowd surging toward metal barricade, with police pushing them back; 0303 (aerial view) shows police trying to hold line at bottom, while other police watch at top. See... |
Crowd waiting to welcome the Dodgers who arrived at Floyd Bennett Field by plane One of three night views of crowd surging toward metal barricade, with police pushing them back; 0304 (aerial view) shows crowd (left) under control, and marching band at right. See also DODG 0302... |
Crowds gathered Large crowd, some holding American flags, none cheering, gathered behind wooden barricades in Downtown Brooklyn; storefronts along Court Street in background. Caption: "Crowds gathered early at... |
[Dodger celebration in downtown Brooklyn] Overhead view of large crowd behind wooden barricade in downtown Brooklyn, perhaps in celebration of Dodgers' victory in 1947 pennant race; many fans looking up to and waving at camera; marching... |
Fan-cy Dodger welcome Brooklyn Dodger fans celebrating in room with low ceiling, some holding signs reading, "Brooklyn G.O.P. for Ike and Dodgers," "We'll Make Jerks of Those Yanks," and "Well Done Our Dodgers." Label... |
Brrrinnng on them Giiiints!!! View looking down of large, excited crowd standing amid columns in or outside of the Polo Grounds in upper Manhattan; most of crowd looking up to and waving at camera; hand painted sign held by... |
Mob scene as kids are let in free to Ebbets Field Aerial view of crowd apparently breaking from vacant lot (right), across street (center) and into Ebbets Field (left); long line still intact against wall in vacant lot at top; some cars parked in... |
Play ball Crowd of boys at Ebbets Field waving arms, cheering, and looking into camera; one adult man at lower left and some older boys at top. Caption: "Play Ball: The youthful welcoming committee in the... |