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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn Hospital.
Fifth anniversary party Caption: "Fifth anniversary party--Mrs. Ethelbert A. Callaghan, president of the Women's Auxiliary of the Brooklyn Hospital, helps Connie Charenco, 7, blow out five candles on a birthday cake... |
Ready for benefit Caption: "Ready for benefit--Mrs. Henry F. Kramer (left), general chairman of the Brooklyn Hospital annual Spring bridge to be held next Wednesday evening, is shown checking over some of the many... |
Final plans Caption: "Final plans--Mrs. Ainsworth L. Smith (left), chairman of the annual spring benefit bridge to be given by the Women's Auxiliary of the Brooklyn Hospital on Wednesday evening, is shown... |
Christmas activies planned Caption: "Christmas activities planned--The newly-elected officers of the Brooklyn Hospital Women's Auxiliary met recently to complete plans for Christmas activities at the Brooklyn Hospital, 121... |
Review reports Caption: "Review repoarts--Mrs. Phillip Merritt, chairman of patronesses, Mrs. John J. Madden, general chairman, and Mrs. Ainsworth L. Smith, president of the Brooklyn Hospital Women's Auxiliary (... |
Plan for hospital benefit Caption: "Plan for hospital benefit--Mrs. Royal E. Smith and Mrs. John E. Standard (seated left to right), general chairmen; Mrs.K. Randolph Dunnell, chairman of patrons, and Mrs. Ainsworth L.... |
Puppet show matinee Caption: "Puppet show matinee--While the majority of the little patients in the children's ward at Brooklyn Hospaital watch the puppet show from their more distant hospital beds, four of the more... |
Young pediatric patients Caption: "Young pediatric patients at the Brooklyn Hospital received a surprise visit from boys in the Adelphi Street neighborhood who had sold lemonade and given a play to raise funds for the... |
Wee one's doing well Caption: "Wee one's doing well--In the incubator is tiny Robert Sciaria, reported 'doing nicely today.' at Brooklyn Doctor's Hospital, although he weights but 15 ounces. Robert was born... |
New attack on cancer Caption: "new attack on cancer--The X-ray machine pictured here is one of two new 'moving beam' type of X-ray therapy units installed in the Brooklyn Hospital. Because the units can strike at... |