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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, African American men
Top-level huddle Caption: "Top-level huddle--Council President Abe Stark, [African American] Manhattan Borough President Hulan Jack and Mayor Wagner [holding eyeglasses in left hand] confer during two-hour debate... |
Seaman Charles Mott Caption: "Seaman Charles Mott is going a bang-up job on a leather billfold which he intends for a gift." Mott is African American. |
Leave us go root for the Dodgers! Caption:"Leave us go root for the Dodgers!--Alfred C. McKenzie, right, vice chairman of the 1953 compaign of the Brooklyn Division, Protestant Council, presents 20 box-seat tickets to the Dodgers-... |
Seized in chase Caption: "Seized in chase--Guarded by cop who has hand on revolver in pocket, these men [all African American] were captured in wild chase through Downtown Brooklyn area. They are, left to... |
Fund drive opens Caption: "Fund drive opens--Charles L. Kellar, left, campaign chairman of Stuyvesant Community Center, Inc., congratulates Mrs. Florence Z. Friedman, honorary chairman of breakfast which marked... |
Brooklyn USA Close-up, exterior view of a young African American man who appears to be performing in front of a large, American flag. He is probably a rap singer. The location is unknown. |
Reflection of a father Close-up, exterior view of an African American man standing on a Red Hook sidewalk. He is holding a boy, presumably his son. |
Louis Reyes Rivera Portrait of Louis Reyes Rivera wearing a fedora hat and a dashiki. Rivera was a poet, essayist, editor, teacher, radio host, and union organizer. The image is not dated. |
Amir Ebrahimi Close-up view of Amir Ebrahimi, an African American photographer, holding an infant boy, presumably his son. The image is not dated. |
[Three African Americans] Close-up view of two young African American women, standing, with a young African American standing between them. The image is not dated. |