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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Public Library, Actors
Recruit Caption: "Recruit--Bert Lahr, chairman of the entertainment commitee for the $2,500,000 fund-raising campaign of the Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital for Chronic Diseases, E. 49th St. and Rutland... |
Aid for the chronically ill Caption: "Aid for the chronically ill--Isidor Leviton, industrialist and philanthropist who head the annual compaign of the borough's Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital for Chronic diseases, presents... |
Rite of spring Caption: "Rite of spring--Alfred Drake and Doretta Morrow, stars of the Broadway musical 'Kismet,' officiate at [the] crowning of 17-year-old Dina Mucinieks as May Queen of Brooklyn Botanic Garden... |
An assist from Captain Video Two men in quasi-military uniforms standing with boy in model space ship in Loeser's department store on Fulton Street. Caption: "AN ASSIST FROM CAPTAIN VIDEO: Captain Video of television fame... |
Star to help veterans Caption: "Star to help veterans--Wilton Clary, left, of 'Texas Li'l Darlin', was the first to purchase tickets for the annual dance of Murray Brenner J[ewish] W[ar] V[eterans] to be held July 4 at... |