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Kyanize enamel advertisement featuring a photograph of the wooden mantel and measured drawings of the Snedeker House. Drawings by Edgar and Verna Cook Salomonsky.

These advertisements, featuring architectural drawings of colonial houses, were produced by The Boston Varnish Company, who intended them to be collectibles. The company released the first series...

Kyanize enamel advertisement featuring a photograph of the wooden mantel and measured drawings of the Snedeker House. Drawings by Edgar and Verna Cook Salomonsky.

These advertisements, featuring architectural drawings of colonial houses, were produced by The Boston Varnish Company, who intended them to be collectibles. The company released the first series...

'Tomb of the Martyrs, Brooklyn, Long Island,' from Gleason's Pictorial Drawing-Room Companion, 20 May 1854. Engraving by Lewis P. Clover.

The tomb of the martyrs was a monument erected by the Tammany Society in 1808 to mark the burial place of the soldiers who died as prisoners of British prison ships in Wallabout Bay during the...